Foundation Profile

Organization Name The Goi Peace Foundation
Office Heiwa Daiichi Bldg. 1-4-5 Hirakawacho
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0093
Tel: 81 (3) 3265-2071
Fax: 81 (3) 3239-0919
Established March 1999
Legal Status Public Interest Incorporated Foundation authorized by the government of Japan
UN Status
  • NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
  • Foundation maintaining official relations with UNESCO
Financial Resources Supporting membership fees, donations, other


Masami Saionji

Board of Directors

Hiroo Saionji

Executive Director

Maki Kawamura


  • Yasushi Akashi
    Chairman, Kyoto International Conference Center (Former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations)
  • Takashi Imazato
  • Haruo Miyagi
    Founder, NPO ETIC.
  • Masami Miyazaki
    Senior Advisor, The Goi Peace Foundation
  • Tomomi Morishima
    Chairman, The Ritsumeikan Trust
  • Junji Narita
    Senior Advisor, Hakuhodo Inc.
  • Mitsuo Ohashi
    Honorary Advisor, Resonac Holdings Corporation
  • Dr. Genshitsu Sen
    Former Grand Tea Master; President, United Nations Association of Japan


  • Dr. Takafumi Isogai
    Director, Toyobo Co., Ltd; Professor Emeritus, Kobe University
  • Hideki Kato
    President, Japan Initiative; Professor (Special Appointment), Faculty of Economics, Kyoto University

Board of Councilors

  • Yuichiro Anzai
    President of The Kojunsha, Honorary Advisor, Keio University
  • Masayoshi Hijino
    CEO, Japan Pharmacy Laboratory Co., Ltd.
  • Koichiro Horiuchi
    President, Fujikyuko Co., Ltd.
  • Koichiro Matsuura
    President of The Africa Society of Japan (Former Director-General of UNESCO)
  • Hiroo Osanai
    Advisory Board Member, Musashino Higashi Gakuen School
  • Dr. Shuji Takagi
    Director, Takagi Pediatrics Clinic
  • Toichi Takenaka
    Honorary Chairman, Takenaka Corporation
  • Mineko Tomita
    Director, Hinomaru Transportation Co., Ltd.
  • Moriteru Ueshiba
    Aikido Doshu
  • Masahiko Uotani
    Senior Advisor, Shiseido. Co.,Ltd.


  • Teiichi Sato
    Honorary Executive Director, Tokyo National Museum (Former Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Japan to UNESCO; Former Vice Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)


Masami Saionji
Co-founder and  Chairperson

A native of Japan and a descendant of the Royal Ryukyu Family of Okinawa, Masami Saionji continues the work of her adoptive father, Masahisa Goi, who initiated a movement for world peace through the universal message and prayer May Peace Prevail on Earth. As a spiritual leader and peace activist, she travels globally on speaking tours, and has led peace ceremonies in many countries and at international forums. She is the author of over twenty books including The Golden Key to Happiness, You Are the Universe, The Earth Healer’s Handbook, and Vision for the 21st Century. She is also the chairperson of May Peace Prevail On Earth International, sister organization of the Goi Peace Foundation, and an honorary member of the Club of Budapest. She and her husband Hiroo were awarded the Philosopher Saint Shree Dnyaneshwara World Peace Prize of India in 2008 and the Luxembourg Peace Prize in 2019. She is also the recipient of the 2010 WON Circle Award honoring distinguished women leaders and the 2016 Barbara Fields Humanitarian Peace Award.

Hiroo Saionji
Co-founder and President

Hiroo Saionji was responsible for establishing the Goi Peace Foundation and oversees its direction and activities. He travels the world promoting dialogues and initiatives for peace. He is the great-grandson of Prince Kinmochi Saionji, who was twice Prime Minster of Japan during the Meiji Period. He holds an MBA from Michigan State University. He is also the president of May Peace Prevail On Earth International and the honorary advisor to Ritsumeikan Saionji Juku (school for global leadership). In 2007, he was awarded the Cultural Prize of the Dr. Lin Tsung-I Foundation of Taiwan, in recognition of his contributions to world peace. In 2010, he was honored as a Person of Merit for Social Education by the Ministry of Education, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.