Living New Workshops

Living New Workshops create opportunities for people to find their unique strength and to become proactive contributors to society.

In our busy, competitive and ever-changing modern society, it can be difficult to live freely and authentically. However, if we can reconnect with our true selves, with one another and with all life, and learn to appreciate our oneness in diversity, our personal and collective future could look quite different than the future we now see in front of us.

This experiential workshop program is facilitated by the staff members of the Goi Peace Foundation, offering space for creativity and deep dialogue among the participants. It is open to all people who wish to discover their highest potential, explore sustainable lifestyles, connect with diverse people, and become a co-creator of a better future for all.

Workshop Schedule

Living New Café

A one-day introductory workshop to experience the Living New program. Open to all, including students, professionals, housewives and senior citizens. (Workshops are held in Japanese.)

Next Café is scheduled for January 2024.
Date August 19, 2023 (Sat), 13:00-16:00
Venue Zoom online meeting
Capacity 20
Registration fee 2,000 yen / Supporting Member 1,500 yen

Living New Course

A comprehensive program involving a series of four workshops to deepen learning, build community and inspire action. Open to those who have first participated in the Living New Café. (Workshops are held in Japanese.)

To be announced.
Date September 14, 2019 (Sat), 13:00-16:00
September 28, 2019 (Sat), 13:00-16:00
October 12, 2019 (Sat), 13:00-16:00
October 26, 2019 (Sat), 13:00-16:00
Place Goi Peace Foundation Conference Room
Heiwa Daiichi Bldg. 2nd Floor, 1-4-5 Hirakawacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Capacity 6
Registration fee 10,000 yen / Supporting Member 8,000 yen

To register or for more information, please contact

What workshop participants are saying

Living New Open Café participants

  • What I believed was my weak point was actually my strength. I discovered that it was just a matter of my perception.
  • I’m grateful to have found out that many people shared my thoughts, even if we seemed different.
  • I used to think I could change only if my society changed, but now I am convinced that if I change, my society will change.
  • I felt accepted by others through our deep dialogues. I felt something emerging in me, and it is up to me to put it into action.
  • Just participating in this one-day workshop gave me the spark for self-transformation.
  • I realized I am a piece of a puzzle of this world. We are all different pieces, and if we miss one piece, the world will not be complete.

Living New Course participants

  • During the course, I learned how to be objective, and that enhanced my capacity to be more centered and accepting.
  • The program was playful and imaginative. It was an eye-opener to discover how my own consciousness affected my relationship with society.
  • To see from a different perspective and to put myself in other people’s shoes are learnings I will take with me to guide my life in a positive direction.
  • I thoroughly enjoyed the workshops, and found them liberating in many ways.